What types of apps are there at the Windows Store and how to buy for Microsoft mobile

When you think of Nokia Lumia Windows phone your mind is all set to visit the Windows store and download the utility apps for your mobile devices. The Microsoft Windows Store is the one-stop-shop for content on Windows Phone handsets like your new Nokia Lumia 630, whether you’re looking for games, apps, or want to buy some music. Here you will find as what types of apps are there at Windows store and how you can get them
Free, Best, New and the Paid Apps

The apps at the Window store are categorized into four sections Top Free Apps, Best rated Apps, New rising Apps and the Top Paid Apps. Free apps is understood that you need to spend any money and they are all free to download. Best rated apps are those that have been rated best by customers or users giving them star ratings. These apps are mostly all free apps. New Rising apps are those apps on display at windows store that are new and are also free to download. Finally the top paid apps are those apps that you can download by buying them which means you need to spend money on them to get them.
How to buy apps from Windows Store

It is just simple. You select the app you wish to buy and if you want you can add your VISA/Master card details so you can buy apps and games. Simply download the app and fill in your card information when prompted and as you shop online the same way it goes. Here as an example you wish to buy WikiCamps Australia. So you choose this app from the Paid apps menu. Then you click on its icon or logo.

You will be taken to a screen where you will get all the details of the app like the system or hardware requirements to download this app on your mobile or PC. The features of this app and what all you can get through it. The cost of the app as displayed like $7.39 including taxes if any. Now if you have made up your mind to get the app you click on get the app and you will be taken to a screen where you will be prompted to add your card details . Once you fill in the required fields of information and click next you will be able to pay for the app and that app will be downloaded to your mobile device.
Also remember to update the apps from time to time and keep yourself with the latest applications.
What types of apps are there at the Windows Store and how to buy for Microsoft mobile,